Goal 5

California State Priorities addressed by this goal:
Priority 3: Parental Involvement (Engagement)
Priority 4: Pupil Achievement (Pupil Outcomes)
Priority 6: School Climate (Engagement)
Priority 7: Course Access (Conditions of Learning)
This is a required goal within the construct of Equity Multiplier Funds. Equity Multiplier funds are state funds provided to school districts with high instability rates with targeted focus areas. At Liberty Continuation High School, these funds will target the College and Career Indicator for English Learner, Hispanic, and Socioeconomically disadvantaged students as well as graduation rate for English Learners. The actions listed below were designed in collaboration with educational partners to address these target areas with the most impactful strategies and supports. 
Mental Health Therapist will provide frequent check-ins, individual counseling/therapy, and small group support/activities to remove barriers impeding EL, SED, and Hispanic student attendance. Low attendance (due to mental health issues) was a major contributor to low graduation rates and CCI rates among EL, SED, and Hispanic students.
Total Funds: $85,000.00
Bilingual Family Advocate will provide frequent check-ins, one-on-one student support, communicate with parents, and connect students/parents with resources to improve attendance rates and graduation rates negatively impacting our target metrics of graduation percentage and CCI scores. (Specifically, the bilingual family advocate will address transportation issues, bus passes, clothing vouchers, medical referrals, and connect with SARB on behalf of EL, SED, Hispanic students).
Total Funds: $52,750.00 
Bilingual paraeducators will provide tutoring in English and Math to help students complete course credits toward graduation and improve CAASPP test taking skills impacting CCI performance. Specifically, Paras/Tutors will provide pull out support, classroom support, and after school tutoring.
2023 Graduation Data shows a discrepancy between the performance of subgroups. The intent of this goal and action is to increase counseling support in a targeted manner to address these discrepancies through a comprehensive system of support and increased accessibility of counselors to students and families.
Total Funds: $42,000.00 
50% CTE teacher to create a Health Care CTE pathway to improve CCI for all students and subgroups identified in Additional Targeted Support and Improvement.
Total Funds: $90,771.00