Goal 1
Goal 1: All Students will be Connected to School and Engaged In Learning
Priority 3: Parental Involvement (Engagement)
Priority 5: Pupil Engagement (Engagement)
Priority 6: School Climate (Engagement)
Priority 8: Other Pupil Outcomes (Pupil Outcomes)
Why PRJUSD Developed This Goal
Action 1 Social Emotional Support
Action 2: Staff training and coaching to meet the needs of English Learners, low income and foster youth
Action 3: Parent connectedness to school
Action 4: Basic needs for students experiencing homelessness, English Learners, low-income and foster youth
Glen Speck- Low SES, white
Flamson- Homeless
Lewis - Low SES, SWD, and White
Action 5: Connectivity to school including Enrichment and afterschool sports
Action 6: Student mentorship and support for English Learners, low-income and foster youth
One full-time teacher at high school level to lead restorative efforts in the
ARC room with all students and in an effort to reduce disciplinary incidents
and improve attendance efforts through on-campus reteach strategies and
evidence-based interventions.
Action 7: Community School Support
Baseline 2022-23 Data
All students: 26.2%
English Learners: 25.5%
Foster youth: 51.6%
35.7% of students were chronically absent in the 2022-2023 school year. (10% or more of the school year)
As of April 2024, 21.5% of students were chronically absent.
Action 8: School facilities with extended day and enrichment opportunities
Action 9: Behavior Support And Safe, inclusive learning environment
Action 10: Positive School Culture and Climate
Action 11: Transportation Support
Action 12: Drug Alcohol and Trauma Informed Practice
Action 13: Cultural Sensitivity, Inclusion and Acceptance
Action 14: Class size reduction