Board Resolutions
- 25-01 Rural School Bus Pilot Project
- 24-23 Consolidated Elections with Monterey County
- 24-22 Confirming PRJUSDs Commitment to Fiscal Solvency
- 24-21 Candidates' Statements
- 24-20 Consolidated Elections with SLO County
- 24-19 Order of Elections
- 24-18 Conveying Easment to PG&E
- 24-17 Memorial Day
- 24-15 Intent to Convey Easement to PG&E
- 24-12 Month of the Child
- 24-10 Quality Bidders
- 24-09 Reduction of Services-Certificated
- 24-08 Reduction of Services-Classified
- 24-07 Authorizing Signatures
- 24-06 CALSHAPE
- 24-05 Volunteers Workers Comp
- 24-04 Gann Limit
- 24-03 Veterans Day
- 24-02 Sufficiency of Instructional Materials
- 24-01 State Seal of Civic Engagement
- 23-10 Memorial Day_001
- 23-09 Authorizing Participation in HVIP School Bus Set-Aside
- 23-07 Sufficiency of Instructional Materials
- 23-06 Gann Limit
- 23-05 Series C Bond Sale
- 23-04 Regarding the Use of Titles
- 23-03 Declaring Property Surplus and Approving Offers to Public Agencies
- 23-02 Regarding the Use of Traditional Titles
- 23-01 Deferred Maintenance Fund
- 22-27 Declaration of Emergency Repairs (Lewis MS)
- 22-26 Procedures and Guidelines for Lease Leaseback
- 22-25 Assign and Commit General Fund Balance
- 22-24 Candidates' Statements
- 22-23 Consolidated Election
- 22-22 Order of Election
- 22-21 Declaration of Emergency Requiring Contract for Repairs, etc., Without Advertising or Inviting Bids
- 22-20 Use of Choice Partners Contacts
- 22-19 Update to Developer Fees
- 22-18 OETC Contracts
- 22-17 FOCUS Contracts
- 22-15 Procedures and Guidelines for Lease-Leaseback Contractor Selection
- 22-14 Assign and Commit General Fund Balance
- 22-13 A Resolution Regarding Mask Mandates for Students
- 22-12 Observe February as Black History Month
- 22-11 Adopting Staffing Flexibility Measures in Accordance with Executive Order N-3-22
- 22-10 Delegate Authority in Regard to the Sale and Disposal of Surplus Personal Property
- 22-09 Adjustments to By-Trustee Area Boundaries
- 22-08 Establish Retiree Health Benefit Payment Fund
- 22-06 Remote Teleconferencing
- 22-05 Sufficiency of Instructional Materials
- 22-04 GANN Limit
- 22-02 Culinary Arts Refrigeration
- 22-01 Let Them Breathe
- 21-27A Prohibiting the Teaching of Critical Race Theory
- 21-26 By-Trustee-Area-Elections
- 21-25 Accounting of Education Protection Account
- 21-24 Tech Time Communications, Inc.
- 21-23 State Board of Education Waiver for At-Large to By-Trustee Elections
- 21-22 Re-initiate a transition to By-Trustee starting 2022
- 21-21 Month of the Child
- 21-20 AntiRacism
- 21-19 TIPS Contracts
- 21-18 Grand Jury Response
- 21-17 Expedited COVID Vaccinations for Educators
- 21-16 Affirming Closed Session Obligations
- 21-15 Approving Grant of Easement to Boys & Girls Clubs of the Central Coast
- 21-14 Authorizing Contracting Pursuant to Bid and Award Documents from the San Diego USD
- 21-13 Sufficiency of Instructional Materials
- 21-12 Commitment to Meet Financial Obligations and Maintaining Fiscal Solvency
- 21-11 Gann Limit Adoption
- 21-10 Authorizing District Signatures
- 21-09 In Support of Constitution Week September 17-23, 2020
- 21-08 Authorizing Filing for Funding Applications Beyond Bonding Authority
- 21-07 Application for Grant Funding at Flamson MS Addition Project
- 21-06 Approve Accounting of Education Protection Account
- 21-05 Authorizing the Issuance of a Provisional Internship Permit (PIP)
- 21-04 Authorizing Restriction on Faciliites Use to Limit the Spread of COVID-19
- 21-03 Authorizing the Issuance of 2016 Series B Bonds
- 21-02 Authorizing Adopting Procedures and Guidelines for Selection of Lease-Leaseback
- 21-01 Reopen Schools, Approve District Reopening Plan, and Delegate Emergency Authority During Pandemic