Educational Partner Engagement Feedback
The process of engaging educational partners is a significant part of the LCAP development process. The following list provides the partner engagement to date.
Teacher Input
Teachers Input survey from February 2024: 214 responses
Best form of professional development includes:
Best form of professional development includes:
- 81.4% Collaboration with PLC team
- 46.4% On-site coaching
- 39.2% In-service days
When asked what type of training they would like to receive:
- 61.1% of teachers who completed the survey indicated they would like professional development to support English Learners in the classroom
- 44.2% requested content-specific training (English, math, science, etc.)
- 43.2% requested training on trauma informed practices
Staff indicated the most effective way to provide additional connectivity include:
- 76% Additional visual and performing arts opportunities
- 60.4% Mentoring and buddy programs
- 55.2%Hands on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics experiences
What are additional supports that could be added to enhance parental connectivity?
- 69.1% Additional support for parents who do not speak English (family advocates)
- 63.9% Provide parent education classes regarding positive parenting skills and grade-level expectations
- 55.7% Provide parents with additional technology support
Based on teacher input, we are providing professional development and support for professional learning communities (PLC) along with professional development to support English learners in the classroom (Goal 3 and 4). We will have additional Visual and Performing Arts programs through the new VAPA block grant and will be expanding mentoring and buddy programs through supplemental and concentration grant funds (Goal 1).
We are retaining support for family advocates and are expanding parent educational course and engagement opportunities that focus on positive parenting, grade level expectations and technology support (Goal 1)
Administrative Input
Administrative Input Survey from February 2024
District Management Team (including administrators) Input survey from February 2024 (29 responses)
District Management Team (including administrators) Input survey from February 2024 (29 responses)
- 51.7% indicated the best professional development is conferences
- 57.1% indicated they would like to have professional development in trauma informed practices
- 79.3% felt that mentoring and buddy programs could improve connectivity and engagement at school
- 32.1% felt increase parent engagement opportunities would support our English Learners opportunities for success
The key priorities from the administrative survey and DMT input included behavior support, academic support and mental health support for students particularly given the lingering impact of COVID and distance learning on student progress and engagement today. We are expanding our mental health support and continuing support for the behavior paraeducator which were originally funded through COVID relief funds. These actions are in Goal 1 (All Students are Connected to School and Engaged in Learning). Academic Support are found in goals 2 (All Students will be College and Career Ready) and Goal 4 (All TK-6th grade students will make progress in English, Math and Science)
Parent Input
Parent Input Survey from February 2024 (156 responses)
- 61.7% indicated they are most concerned with their child’s academic progress
- 89.1% indicated their child has at least one caring adult at school
What supports need to be in place to improve and support student connection to school?
- 70.1% strong teacher and student connections
- 65.6% Support in content areas where students struggle
- 61% Enrichment and extracurricular activities for students
- 50.6% indicated a concern with the progress their child is making academically
Of those who expressed concern, the greatest concern was:
- 50.5% Reading on grade-level
- Mathematics
- Motivation
The parent survey indicated that parents are most concerned about their child's academic progress. This has resulted in goals 2 (College and Career Readiness) and Goal 4 (Grade level performance in ELA, math and science). We are also expanding tutoring services to support students including English learners. Parents also identified that mathematics is an area of concern. This has led to inclusion of additional parent education and engagement opportunities in the LCAP (Goal 1 - All Students are Connected to School and Engaged in Learning). Motivation is a concern that was expressed by parents and also by students and is addressed with action including mentoring and extracurricular support in Goal 1.
Student Input and Superintendent Advisory Committee Input
Student Input Survey February 2024
6-8 Grade Students (1,150 responses)
- 86.4% have at least one caring adult at school
- 72% indicated school facilities are clean, safe and function
- 61.8% indicated they have eaten lunch at school
- 49.8% indicated the most difficult part of middle school is motivation
- 57.6% indicated they have met with their counselor to review academic progress
9-12 Grade Students (1,242 responses)
- 91.3% have at least one caring adult at school
- 77% indicated school facilities are clean, safe and functional
- 89% indicated they have eaten lunch at school
- 67.4% indicated they have a college and/or career readiness plan
- 56.3% indicated they have taken dual enrolled courses for Cuesta College credit
The Superintendent Advisory Committee met on April 10th and provided input to the development of the new three-year LCAP.
What is an area we can improve for students?
What is an area we can improve for students?
- More access to counselors and more counselors
- Test prep for SAT/PSAT/ACT test prep out there
- Participation is really down among all grades
What would you love to see at your school?
- Addition of more non-stem electives (arts, cosmetology, etc.)
- More creative coursework
- Adequate support for students learning English (i.e. translators, paras, classes in Spanish, materials not Google translated by teacher)
- Substitute milk for water in lunch line
Based on student input, we are continuing to increase counselor access through both supplemental and concentration grant funds and through Career Technical Education (CTE) and Dual Enrollment grant funds, Goal 2 (All Students will be College and Career Ready). As we implement the new junior high program, the district staff is reviewing potential connection for CTE program at the junior high level as well as how to motivation student through enrichment and extra curricular opportunities. Within the LCAP are plans to provide additional support for students outside of the school day including SAT/PSAT/ACT prep, Goal 2. In addition, we are continuing to support actions that focus on support for English learners including paraeducators, bilingual teachers, and translation devices, Goal 2 and Goal 3 (Every All English Learning will Make Progress Toward Classification Each Year).
Parent Advisory Committee Input
The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) met on December 5, 2023, February 20, 2024, March 7, 2024, May 9, 2024, and June 3, 2024 to review the key components of the LCAP, data review from educational input, propose improvements and review the new three-year LCAP.
Some of the input that was provided by the PAC committee in the development of the new LCAP is listed below:
1. How can we Improve Connectivity for students and engagement in school?
1. How can we Improve Connectivity for students and engagement in school?
- Connecting with families
- Culturally and linguistically relevant learning environments, activities and supports that reflect the diversity of the student population
- Protect class sizes and strong relationships with students and staff
2. How can be better support students in junior high and high school to be college and career ready?
- TOSA for 7012th grade
- More support for students in high school academically
- Start CTE programs and expose students to college - expand their vision of what is possible
- Explore other career paths- use PR community leaders to help
3. What can we do to support English Learners in developing proficiency in English?
- I would like to see them receive an elective
- Curriculum and language programs that are engaging
- Hiring bilingual teachers that are fluent in Spanish
- More interaction with English Learners and English Speaking peers
- Find ways to fill para positions and use families that have been through our PIQE programs
- Outreach to families by calling or meeting with people (not flyers or online)
4. What ideas do you have to improve supports for reading?
- More family partnership opportunities
- Small targeted reading intervention
- Curriculum based assessments and professional development for classroom instructors
5. Math is an area of focus district-wide. How can we improve supports in math?
- Lunchtime tutoring with food would make tutoring more accessible. Peer tutoring may be helpful.
- Smaller class sizes
6. How can we improve supports for Students with disabilities?
- Make campus feel welcoming
- Increase training/knowledge of various disabilities for teachers, para, etc.
Based on the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC), the LCAP includes an alignment with Career Technical Education (CTE) programs and grants (goal 2), a restructuring of the ELD period at the middle school to provide greater access to electives (goal 3), a zero period at the high school for credit recovery so students can take more elective during the day (Goal 2) a stipend for bilingual teachers to encourage retention and recruitment (goal 3 ), family advocates to continue outreach to families to make sure we have both participation and representation of Spanish Speaking families (Goal 1) , and additional tutoring opportunities for students (Goals 2 and 4).
District English Learner Advisory Committee Input
The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) met on April 17th, 2024 to review the key
components of the LCAP, identified areas of improvement, proposed improvements, and receive input for the new three-year LCAP.
Here is some of the input that was given by the DELAC committee concerning our LCAP goals. Our focus is to increase parent participation, offer more support to our EL students, and increase school connection for our students.
- Offer light meals during meetings so more parents can attend, such as Piqe, ELAC, or Reclassification Ceremonies. We feel this will allow more parents to attend as most of them get off work late and sometimes don’t have a chance to eat something before the meeting.
- Have 2 ELD teachers in schools with classes that have a larger number of EL students. This will give our students additional support with smaller group sizes.
- Provide training to ELD teachers so they can provide more effective support for our EL students with the goal of reclassification.
- Allow other schools to purchase programs such as GLAD that can increase scores for our ELL students and collaborate with other teachers/schools where students are meeting or increasing their standard scores.
- Training for all Admin., Staff, yard duty, PARA educators, janitors, on how to deal with a SpEd. Students. This will also help with learning how to deal with unwanted behavior and decrease suspension rate.
- Empowering seminars for teachers, parents, and students, such as CoolSpeak with Ernesto Mejilla. This will improve teacher, student, and parent connection. As the recent surveys have shown there is a disconnection and a lack of motivation from all parties at this time.
- Parents would like their opinions to be taken into consideration when big decisions are made that will affect their students.
As a result of DELAC input, we are expanding the ratio of services for ELD teachers to support our long term English learners (Goal 3). We are also providing training for ELD teachers to support high quality designated ELD instruction to reach reclassification (Goal 3). We are also expanding our parent engagement and opportunities through both DELAC and Parent University, (Goal 1) In addition, as a district, we are continuing to work with our Spanish speaking families to make sure that they have the opportunity to provide input into school and district decisions.
Liberty High School and Equity Multiplier Funds Educational Partner Input
In the 2024-2025 school year, Liberty High School is receiving Equity Multiplier funds. These funds were provided due to a high instability rate of students at Liberty High School and is intended to address improved graduation rates for English Learners and improved college and career indicator (CCI) metrics for English Learners (EL), Socio-Economically Disadvantaged (SED), and Hispanic students.
Liberty Leadership teachers met on May 2nd to receive input from the site leadership team on the proposed use of funds in response to performance data. The site analysis determined the main barriers to graduation and college and career readiness among all students (and especially the targeted subgroups) are unmet mental health and basic support needs impacting attendance. Students can not access our MTSS offerings, our Xello Homeroom curriculum, or our Cuesta College Coaches if they are not consistently attending school. In addition, Liberty plans to begin the foundational components to add Career Technical Education (CTE)v coursework at the continuation high school to motivate students and provide access to career readiness courses which are of high-interest to students.
As a result of educational partner engagement , the equity multiplier funds will be used to hire a half-time CTE teacher, expand mental health services and support English learners and their families through a bilingual paraeducator and increased bilingual family advocate support. (Goal 5)