Goal 4
Goal 4: All TK-6th grade Students will Show Growth of 5% per year in English, Math, and Science as Measured by Local Assessments and the Annual CAASPP and CAST Assessments
Priority 5: Pupil Engagement (Engagement)
Priority 7: Course Access (Conditions of Learning)
Why PRJUSD Developed This Goal
Action 1: Reading Intervention Teachers and Reading and Math Paraeducators TK-6th grade
Additional1st and 2nd grade paraeducators at W.Pifer, and G.Speck
One additional paraeducator for grades 1-3 support at each elementary
participate in MTSS review process around data to ensure these subgroups are highlighted and students in these subgroups are individually reviewed and supported.
Action 2: Extended Learning Opportunities Outside School Day
Action 3: Additional Academic Support - Strategic Support Curriculum
Action 4: MTSS Collaboration Time to Align Instruction with Needs of Unduplicated Students
Action 5: Early Literacy Support and Library Techs
Action 6: Instructional Coaches to support best instructional practices for English Learners, low-income and foster youth
Action 7: Professional Development to address the best practices in meeting needs of unduplicated students in the classroom
Action 8: Math Intervention teachers in grades K-6
for all students, particularly English Learners, foster youth, homeless, and Students with disabilities. Math intervention teachers will provide instructional support to classroom teachers as well as targeted pull-out interventions with mathematics. Lastly, they will participate in MTSS meetings to review the performance progress and support for those subgroups listed above.
Action 9: Education Technology to Support Instruction for English Learners, Low-income and foster youth
Action 10: Pat Butler classified intervention staff
Action 11: MTSS Data Retreats - Virginia Peterson