Goal 4

California State Priorities addressed by this goal:
Priority 4: Pupil Achievement (Pupil Outcomes)
Priority 5: Pupil Engagement (Engagement)
Priority 7: Course Access (Conditions of Learning)
Priority 8: Other Pupil Outcomes (Pupil Outcomes)
Early intervention and opportunities for advancement are priorities in our academic structure. In addition, we continue to acknowledge that third grade literacy is a critical indicator of success for subsequent school years. Therefore, we are monitoring the performance of our TK6th grade students in ELA, math, and science as it pertains to our tiers of intervention and support on our elementary school campuses to ensure support is provided in targeted areas during the elementary years. 
7.50 Reading Intervention Teachers serving K-6th grade ( .5 FTE for KK, 1 each for PB, VP, 1.25 for W. Pifer, 1.75 for GS, and 2.0 for GB)
Paraeducators TK, K, at all school sites
Additional 1st grade paraeducators at V.Peterson
Additional1st and 2nd grade paraeducators at W.Pifer, and G.Speck
One additional paraeducator for grades 1-3 support at each elementary
To address the red indicator for LEA in ELA for English Learners, foster youth and homeless identified students, PRJUSD will provide focused reading intervention teachers. Reading intervention teachers will
participate in MTSS review process around data to ensure these subgroups are highlighted and students in these subgroups are individually reviewed and supported.
Total Funds: $2,740,000.00 
Extended learning opportunities including, but not limited to afterschool and summer, before school KinderCamp and extension of library hours at each site and elementary tutoring
Total Funds: $270,000.00
Strategic Support Curriculum and Assessment for math and reading District Assessment Support position to assist with disaggregation of data and intervention support for English Learners, low-income and foster youth.
Total Funds: $374,815.00
K-5 Collaboration for Reading and math Achievement - Review pacing, alignment with standards, and incorporation of best instructional practices to support unduplicated students.
Total Funds: $60,000.00 
Research tells us that many of our underserved students lack literacy resources in the home. These staff members will support increasing access to literacy resources beyond the regular school day. Early Literacy and School Readiness Coordinator to support with the design and planning of early literacy programs in partnership with school sites and parents.
Total Funds: $540,107.00 
Three instructional coaches will focus on best instructional practices for student learning with a focus on English Learners, low SES, and foster youth.
Additionally, a full-time TIP mentor for new teachers will support new hires with best instructional practices and differentiation strategies to meet the needs of all students through best instructional teaching practices.
Total Funds: $599,217.00
Professional Development to address the best practices in meeting needs of unduplicated students in the classroom specific to the range of students in grades TK-6 as it aligns to early literacy and mathematics. 50% of Director of Curriculum and Instruction positions are funded through this action as they support site leaders and teachers with the training and implementation of differentiated instruction to improve outcomes for our English Learners, low-income and foster youth.
Total Funds: $225,319.00 
Six full-time math intervention teachers will support the implementation of targeted support in the elementary grades with a focus on grades 3-5.
To address the red dashboard indicators for the LEA in math, certificated math intervention teachers will design targeted, evidence-based intervention to remediate disparities in performance and improve outcomes
for all students, particularly English Learners, foster youth, homeless, and Students with disabilities. Math intervention teachers will provide instructional support to classroom teachers as well as targeted pull-out interventions with mathematics. Lastly, they will participate in MTSS meetings to review the performance progress and support for those subgroups listed above.
Total Funds: $840,000.00 
Education Technology to Support Instruction for English Learner, low income and foster youth to enhance instruction, access, and embedded supports for unique learning needs.
This is an LEA-wide goal that is written broadly to address the unique needs of our English Learner, low-income and foster youth students in and outside of the classroom but on our school campuses. Through both communication and engaging instruction, students feel welcomed in their school environment, therefore, this action is important to the broad spectrum of resources in designing a supportive school environment for our students.
Total Funds: $369,065.00
To address the red indicators on the dashboard for English Learner and Students with Disabilities in the area of English Language Arts, classified staff to identify, screen, determine the appropriate intervention for, provide pull-out targeted intervention support to, and track the process for and progress of students identified as intervention candidates.
Total Funds: $40,000.00  
MTSS Data Retreats- Release days for teachers including intervention teachers and Special Education teachers for grade level assessment data analysis and planning Federal funds to release teachers for data review and progress monitoring in ELA with specific progress monitoring in English Language Arts with a focus on students with disabilities.
Total Funds: $14,041.50