Use of Facilities
District facilities are available for community use when the activity is consistent with the best interest of the District and does not interfere with PRJUSD educational programs. All parties must complete a Use of Facility form to use a district facility. Requests must be submitted through the Incident IQ online platform located below.
All rentals are approved using Incident IQ on a first-come, first-served basis.
Insurance Requierment
Proof of liability insurance is required (certificate of insurance) in the amount of $1,000,000 and Paso Robles JUSD must be listed as an additional insured.
For assistance contact Gina Lynch at (805) 769-1150 or email [email protected] to make an appointment Monday-Friday between 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon.
Instructions for completing Use of Facility Request
*Note: New users will need to register a new account with Incident IQ to submit a request*
- Click "New Ticket" on the right-hand side blue sidebar.
- Click on "Event Reservations" to submit a Use of Facilities form.
- Enter your "Event Details" and click "CONTINUE" at the bottom right-hand side of page.
- Choose your "room" for your event and click "CONTINUE"
- Choose your date and time, and click "CONTINUE"
- Review your event details summary and add attachments, if any.
- Click SUBMIT TICKET located on the bottom right-hand side.