Dress Code
Paso Robles Joint Unified School District has a uniform dress code policy in all its schools. The standardized dress code reflects the need for consistent dress standards at all schools within PRJUSD. The dress code aims to increase student safety and behavior related to attire.
If you have any questions regarding this policy or the dress standards within the policy, please direct them to your school's principal/assistant principal, or Thomas Harrington, Director, Student Services, at 805.769.1000 x30141 / [email protected].
PRJUSD believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. The school expects students to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and wear clothes suitable for the school activities in which they participate. Student dress must promote a healthy, safe, wholesome environment and not cause a distraction that would interfere with the educational process.
Although most students do not intend to communicate a connection with outside groups when choosing their attire, they do present dual meanings. They could potentially create discipline issues for themselves and our school.
The administration will make the final determination of whether a student’s dress and grooming meet district standards.
The goal of the dress code is to provide a safe and positive learning environment for all students and to assist in preparing students to be college and career-ready. Student dress or grooming should not affect the health or safety of students or substantially disrupt or materially interfere with the learning process or contribute to a hostile or intimidating environment within the classroom or school.
Per California Administrative Code, title V, Section 302: “Any person who comes to school without proper attention having been given to personal cleanliness or neatness of dress may be sent home to be properly prepared for school, or shall be required to prepare himself for the school room before entering.”
Therefore, the following guidelines shall apply to all school activities:
Clothes must be worn in a way such that genitals, buttocks, breasts, and nipples are fully covered with opaque (not see-through) fabric. All items listed in the “must wear” and “may wear” categories below must meet this basic principle. All clothing must meet this standard without a jacket, sweatshirt, or other outerwear covering the clothing.
- A shirt (with fabric over the shoulders, in the front, back, and on the sides under the arms; AND
- Pants/jeans or the equivalent (for example, a skirt, sweatpants, legging, dress, shorts, etc.), AND
- Shoes - Courses that include attire as part of the curriculum may include assignment-specific dress.
- Hats: must allow the face to be visible and cannot interfere with the educational process.
- Religious headwear
- Hoodie sweatshirts: hoods must be removed in class
- Fitted pants, including opaque leggings, yoga pants, flannel, and “skinny jeans”
- Ripped jeans, as long as underwear and buttocks are not exposed
- Tank tops, including spaghetti straps and halter tops
- Athletic attire
- Sunglasses: must be removed in class unless medically prescribed
Cannot Wear
- Clothing, jewelry, or other personal items with violent language or images
- Clothing, jewelry, or other personal items with images or language depicting/suggesting/advertising drugs, alcohol, vaping, or paraphernalia (or any illegal item or activity), including local companies or brands that are connected to items or activities that are illegal for minors
- Bulletproof vests, body armor, tactical gear, or any facsimile or likeness thereof
- Clothing, jewelry, or other personal items with hate speech, profanity, implied profanity, or pornography
- Clothing, jewelry, or other personal items with images that create a hostile or intimidating environment per Board Policy
- “Onesie” pajamas
- Any clothing that reveals visible undergarments
- Swimsuits (except as required for a class or athletic practice)
- Accessories that could be considered dangerous or could be used as a weapon
- Any item that obscures the face or ears (except as a religious observance or as personal protective equipment (PPE) which would prevent a student or staff member from identifying the student by face recognition.
- Clothing, jewelry, or other personal items that suggest, indicate, or promote affiliation with a known group or gang
- Change into appropriate clothing if it is already available at school to meet the dress code standard for the remainder of the day.
- Call a parent for a change of clothing for the student to meet the dress code standard for the remainder of the day.
- Choose to change into school-provided clothing to meet the dress code standard for the remainder of the day.
Dress code requirements may be altered or waived during school-sanctioned events determined by the site Principal.